Taco Bell has always been a wonderful purveyor of melted cheese. If you were blindfolded and tasted their nacho cheese dipping sauce, its unique flavor and texture would tell you immediately that it’s three AM and you’re in a Taco Bell. Which makes it a bit of mystery as to why it has taken the fast food chain 54 years to throw some pimientos in their cheese sauce and call it a queso. Well, our long national nightmare is over. Taco Bell officially serves queso.
But what was the figurative margarita straw that broke the camel’s back to get queso on the menu? Rene Pisciotti — the company’s head of product — clears that up. “One thing we know about our customers is that they love cheese. That’s definitely what they want from Taco Bell.” We can’t argue with that logic. The queso they’re selling is made with green chilies.
Eep the new queso at taco bell is spicier than I expected! I wish it said "new -green chile- queso" on the window ads 😂
— ✨🌞🌻Twig🌿🍉✨ (@Amadis) November 18, 2016
Taco Bell has recently been amping up the cheese game in other areas. With its queso outing you’ll be able to order a steakhouse burrito and/or nachos slathered in Taco Bell’s signature queso. You can also get some on the side for dipping your tortilla chips (and churros…trust us). Pisciotti also hopes that the queso will catch on and continue to “creep” onto all parts of the menu.
What about Twitter, you ask. Oh, Twitter is hyped. Twitter is always down for cheese.
.@tacobell killing it with the new queso dip. 😇🌮
— Each&Everything (@EachAndEveryYT) November 17, 2016
(Via Nation’s Restaurant News)