Life is hectic, you’ve got a lot on your plate and sometimes not nearly enough time to sit back, relax, and read about the many ways this world is f*cking jaw-droppingly weird. So, with that in mind, we’ve constructed this little care package for you to get caught up on the bizarre things that have been going down this week.
Why Does The Internet Think This Mummy Is Wearing Adidas Sneakers?
What’s more distressing: That people may actually believe that there is some kind of grand Sonny Vaccaro-concocted sneaker conspiracy or that the mummy in question was found with “half a sheep”? Which, of course, begs the question: where is the other half and how is that not a conspiracy worth investigating?
Officially Licensed Pokémon Lingerie Now Exists For Grown-Up Trainers
Everything I know about women’s undergarments I learned from Beaches, but I have my doubts about the practicality of a plush toy brassiere.
Watch A Gator Brutally Gulp Down Another Gator (But Maybe Shield Your Kids’ Eyes First)
Let us assume that they weren’t terribly close.
Merriam-Webster And Dictionary.com Got Into The Geekiest Twitter Beef Ever

A brutal fight with a far more genteel conclusion than the time Wikipedia left Encarta bleeding in the gutter.
Inky The Octopus Made A Daring Escape To The Ocean From The New Zealand National Aquarium

The details of this escape will simultaneously thrill and freak you out (this is one calculating cephalopod), but the price that Inky paid, emotionally, when he slithered away from home leaving everything (and everyone) he’s ever known will punch you in your heart.