A Southwest Road Trip, Through The Eyes Of A Travel Photographer

We like sending Baldemar Fierro on the road. Dude is an interesting cat. He disappears for a few weeks, invoices us for a cup of coffee at some dusty roadside shack, then surfaces with stunning photos. That’s the coolest type of weirdo.

More than that, we like Baldemar because his pictures are infused with humanity and hope. He loves America — finding potential in our bruised landscapes and spotting beauty in our trash heaps.

Once again this month, we sent Baldemar off to explore the open road. This time, it was in a GMC Acadia Denali, to capture the stunning reaches of Arizona and Utah as the last winter snows melted away. The American Southwest has always been the country’s premier road-tripping region and Baldemar came back with enough pics to make anyone long for a nice drive.

“There’s this feeling of adventure out there,” Baldemar told us. “You get a sense of possibility and kind of imagine yourself as this dusty wanderer.”

Check out Baldemar’s photo diary below, and let it motivate your own #Summer17 travels!