You Can Now Watch The Entire Ronda Rousey – Holly Holm Fight For Free

Are you one of the few people who missed the spectacular Ronda Rousey vs. Holly Holm fight in Melbourne, Australia, where Holm knocked Rousey out with a massive headkick? Then you’re in for a treat: the UFC has just released the fight for free on Youtube for all to enjoy.

It’s part of their promotional plan for Holly Holm’s next fight, which is not against Ronda Rousey as originally planned but rather against Miesha Tate on March 5 at UFC 197. Rousey decided to spend the first half of 2016 building up her Hollywood career (and healing properly from getting thunder-punted in the face), so now Holm will take on the very game Tate, who has earned her #1 contender spot by defeating her last four opponents since losing to Rousey in 2013.

It’s a dangerous fight for Holm and the UFC. Styles make fights, and Tate’s wrestling-centric style could prove very effective against the striker Holm. And if Miesha Tate beats out Holly Holm, that puts a damper on the Holm vs. Rousey rematch which was shaping up to be the biggest fight in UFC history.

That’s obviously a situation the UFC wants to avoid, but they’re also a legit sports league that can’t just not put its champs in fights to protect a bigger money fight down the road. Well, they can, but only within reason. When it was looking like Rousey would be back for UFC 200 in July, they were willing to bench Holm until then. But with Ronda only returning in November, the division had to move on. Let’s hope for the UFC’s sake that Holly looks as good against Miesha as she did versus Ronda.

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