‘Hold On To Your Butts’ With These Memorable ‘Jurassic Park’ Quotes

When Hollywood heavyweight Steven Spielberg unleashed his film adaptation of Jurassic Park, based on the best-selling novel by Michael Crichton, it quickly became the movie to see in the summer of 1993. One of the first big-budget films to combine live-action animatronics with CG animation, which was still in its infancy at the time, Jurassic Park set a new high-water mark for special effects and cinematic spectacle. It’s popularity was so enduring it would go on to inspire three sequels, The Lost World in 1997, Jurassic Park III in 2001, and this summer’s highly anticipated Jurassic World. Before returning to the Isle de Nubra, here are some of the most quotable moments from the film that started it all.

“The point is, you are alive when they start to eat you. So, you know…try to show a little respect.” – Alan Grant

As Dr. Alan Grant leads a presentation explaining his radical theories on dinosaur evolution, one kid in the crowd is completely unimpressed, even proclaiming “that’s not scary!” In response, Grant delivers a cold and matter-of-fact monologue detailing the sophisticated hunting ritual of the Velociraptors. By the time he’s done, it’s obvious that he has successfully made his point while foreshadowing what’s to come.

“Tiny versions of adults, honey.” – Ellie Satler

The romance between Dr. Grant and his colleague, Dr. Ellie Sattler, is at a crossroads when the movie begins, with her eager to have children while he is very much against the idea. When the eccentric John Hammond crashes their excavation site via helicopter, he asks that they come to his latest attraction, seeking their authoritative approval, insisting the attractions he has in store will wow children across the globe. When Grant asks ‘what are those,’ meaning the attractions, Sattler responds in jest.

“We have a T-Rex!” – John Hammond

Shortly after arriving on Hammond’s private island, they’re treated to their first sight of a living, breathing dinosaur. Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler leave their Jeep to marvel up close. Once Hammond happily indicates that they have other species they’ve successfully cloned, Grant grabs him in disbelief. Hammond, eager for their approval, happily repeats the statement.

“Does someone go out and pull up the dinosaurs’ skirts?” – Ian Malcolm

While viewing the dinosaur hatchery, a resident scientist confidently proclaims all the breeding takes place safely under their control, manipulating their chromosomes to ensure no breeding takes place in the wild. Malcolm, the chaos mathematician and contrarian to Jurassic Park’s entire concept, repeatedly doubts their claim. And phrases it in only a way he could.

“These are aggressive, living things that have no idea what century they’re in, and they’ll defend themselves, violently if necessary.” – Ellie Sattler

While Malcolm never minces his words regarding the impossible task of what the park wants to do, Sattler, fresh from a tour of the hatchery, sides with him — though she takes a much more practical approach to her position, given her expertise in the field.

“Life…uh… finds a way.” – Ian Malcolm

Dr. Malcolm, further doubting both Hammond and the park’s ability to safely contain their monstrous attractions, lends this eternal spark of wisdom. His trademark delivery is such a part of popular culture that even Community found a name for it: Goldbluming.

“Dinosaurs and man, two species separated by 65 million years of evolution, have just been suddenly thrown back into the mix together. How can we possibly have the slightest idea what to expect?” – Alan Grant

Much like his colleagues, Grant also begins to fear an inevitable fallout due simply to so many unknown factors that come into play with such a radical and untested idea. Though, like Sattler, his view comes directly from his expertise.

“Hold onto your butts.” – Ray Arnold

Right before the “soft open” begins, Arnold, the park’s chief engineer, offers these brief words of advice.

“Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the Earth.” – Ellie Sattler

Following a disappointing beginning to their tour, Malcolm philosophizes “God creates man, man creates dinosaurs, god kills dinosaurs, god creates man, man kills god, man creates dinosaurs.” Sattler ends up finishing his thought for him.

“That is one big pile of sh*t!” – Ian Malcolm

As the group eagerly leave the safety of their vehicles, they encounter a sickly, tranquilized Triceratops being tended to by a park ranger. As Malcolm strolls about, he makes an expected discovery, to which he replies as one would expect.

“Find Nedry. Check the vending machines.” – John Hammond

Dennis Nedry, Jurassic Park’s computer programmer, begins his plan to sneak off the island with dinosaur embryos and sets a timer that eventually disables all of the security systems. As Arnold scrambles to get the systems back online, Hammond orders they find Nedry, telling them to first look in the most obvious spot.

“No wonder you’re extinct.” – Dennis Nedry

Desperately trying to make it off the island with the freshly stolen dinosaur embryos, Nedry finds himself increasingly desperate as his Jeep ends up stuck in the mud. As he tries to get back on track, he finds himself confronted with a Dilophosauraus, which at first he takes to be a cute, harmless creature that he tries to distract with a quick game of fetch.

“Yeah, but John, when the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don’t eat the tourists!”

You have to hand it to the man. When he’s right…

“Clever girl…” – Muldoon

Hammond’s game warden, Muldoon, was also certain that the cloning of dinosaurs in captivity wasn’t the smartest move. Regardless, he shows a great deal of respect toward the Velociraptors. Once the raptors are loose on the premises, he maintains this noble, fearful respect.

Not a quote, but a terrifying moment all the same. 

“After careful consideration, I’ve decided NOT to endorse your park.” – Alan Grant

Barely making it out alive, the survivors hastily climb into Hammond’s Jeep. Grant then decides to weigh in on his endorsement of Jurassic Park.

(Via YouTube)