According to a new interview posted by Yahoo! New Zealand, Tom Hardy is “lucky to be alive.” The Mad Max: Fury Road actor used to have a dangerous addiction to cocaine and admits, “I would have sold my mother for a rock of crack.” Hardy has since been clean and sober since 2003, and it shows, with big roles in this summer’s Mad Max revival, as well as the recent Child 44 and, of course, The Dark Knight Rises (not to mention, he was magnificent in last year’s The Drop). Hardy mentioned in the interview how lucky he is to still be here.
I was a shameful suburban statistic. I was told very clearly, ‘You go down that road, Tom, you won’t come back. That’s it. All you need to know.’ That message stayed with me clearly for the rest of my days. I am f*cking lucky to be here.
Kudos, Tom. Keep up the good work.
via Yahoo!