Despite the recent casting of Will Poulter as Pennywise the Clown, True Detective director Cary Fukunaga will no longer helm the upcoming film adaptation of Stephen King’s novel It for New Line. Fukunaga was initially attached to the project back in December, but according to the Hollywood Reporter, that’s no longer the case:
Sources say that New Line and Fukunaga are parting ways over budgetary reasons, stemming from a difference in creative visions.
The movie was due to begin shooting in three weeks.
On one hand, it’s a major bummer as Fukunaga did an amazing job with True Detective‘s first season. We don’t have any idea as to what his vision for the new It project was, but it was probably amazing. That being said, New Line has only three weeks to either replace Fukunaga or delay filming.
UPDATE: Stephen King took to Twitter to comment on Fukunaga’s exit, albeit indirectly:
The remake of IT may be dead–or undead–but we'll always have Tim Curry. He's still floating down in the sewers of Derry.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) May 25, 2015
(Via the Hollywood Reporter)