Get Ready For More ‘Jurassic World’ Movies Starring Chris Pratt

It’s opening weekend for Universal Pictures’ Jurassic World, but you probably already knew that. Heck, you may just be one of the many millions packing themselves into movie theaters to watch the new dinosaur flick. Aside from the dino animatronics, one of the film’s standouts is obviously Chris Pratt.

Colin Trevorrow‘s film ends in a manner that leaves the story open to continue in a sequel or two, and in a conversation with Entertainment Weekly, Chris Pratt confirms he will be returning to play Owen Grady in future films:

I am. They have me for I think 38 movies or something.

Given his undying love for Stephen Spielberg’s original film, I’m sure Pratt is thrilled to be on board for more Jurassic World movies. By the looks of that one video he made while shooting Parks & Rec, the dude can also predict the future.

(Via Entertainment Weekly)