Vin Diesel is a busy man, not just professionally, but personally. He recently had a baby girl and he’s still working through his grief over Paul Walker’s 2013 death. He talks about the second thing a lot — he even named his daughter after Walker — so it’s clear how much of an impact this loss has on his life. Now Diesel is saying that his role in The Last Witch Hunter also served as a means of grief therapy.
“Death was a huge theme last year,” Diesel told The Associated Press Friday. “There was something therapeutic about playing this role after going through [Walker’s death].” …
“The idea that someone immortal could be so melancholy. 2014 was a tough year for me in some ways — a lot of ways,” Diesel said, choking up before continuing. “Playing a character that was masking his sorrow — his loss — was very appropriate for the time, because that’s what I was doing in real life with the post-Furious 7.”
So, if you think you’re going to make fun of The Last Witch Hunter, remind yourself that it helped Vin Diesel feel better. The man is sensitive, and we all work through our grief in our own way. Vin Diesel does it by killing witches. You just wish you could do the same.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter