Kevin Feige’s Disappointed There Aren’t Any More Marvel One-Shots Too

Marvel president and super-producer Kevin Feige has been opening his mouth a lot lately, which means a new Marvel flick is probably coming out. Oh yeah, Ant-Man is — totally forgot about the ridiculous number of TV spots and clips Disney’s marketing arm has been cranking out.

Anyways, Collider took the opportunity to ask Feige about something that’s been amiss from the Marvel Cinematic Universe — Marvel One-Shots. All Hail the King was the last one made, and it was released back in 2014. Meanwhile, 2013’s Agent Carter helped launch a new TV series.

Turns out, Feige misses the One-Shots, too:

Collider: A lot of people wanted to know if you’re still planning any one-shots and they are disappointed that they haven’t seen any in a while.

Kevin Feige: I’m disappointed too! Frankly, and I think it would be great to see more one-shots. We’ll see… You look at me as if I’m the only person who controls that decision; I wish that were the case. But I think when the opportunity arises we would do it, we would jump on it. There is a backlog of ideas for one-shots that we haven’t done yet.

So basically, (a) Feige’s just as disappointed as the rest of us, except (b) we’re not in a position of power like he is, though (c) he feigns a stark lack of creative and decision-making control in the matter. Okay, Feige. You were able to weasel yourself out of this round.

(Via Collider)