Adam Sandler Doesn’t See Himself Getting Shredded To Play A Superhero Any Time Soon

Adam Sandler is a one-man franchise. He doesn’t need the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars — he’s got Happy Madison (when he’s not working with the Safdie brothers). But would he, one of the increasingly few A-list Hollywood stars without a superhero movie in his filmography, ever consider it? When presented with this question during a live interview with the Happy Sad Confused podcast, Sandler replied, “I never thought about it. Maybe because no one’s ever asked.” He mumbled a few respectful “I don’t know”s before adding, “It hasn’t happened, and probably won’t happen.”

Sandler can star in movies without having to get shredded. What a concept!

In the interview, Sandler also discussed “Chris Farley Song,” his musical tribute to the late Chris Farley. “The first few times we played that song, I would tear up, and I couldn’t really sing it well because I get so emotional,” he said. “And then I got kind of like, I felt it and was able to get it out there.” Sandler loves hearing the crowd “go nuts for Farley. Every show I do, by far the biggest applause of the night is talking about Farley. Every time I mention his name here and the audience goes nuts, it feels great.”

Try it the next time you’re in public. Yell “Chris Farley” and if someone in the crowd starts singing “fat guy in a little coat,” become friends with them immediately.

You can watch the rest of the interview above.