Attack on Titan has become one of the most popular animes around, pitting giant man-eating monsters against an outmatched team of neurotic humans wielding swords and grappling hooks. While we’ll have to wait until 2016 for the second season of the cartoon, we now have a new subtitled trailer and dates for the two — yes, two — live action Attack on Titan films.
American movie studios aren’t the only ones splitting movies into two parts anymore. Attack on Titan is set to release in Japan on August 1, while Attack on Titan: End of the World will follow soon after on September 19. Both movies are being directed by giant monster master Shinji Higuchi, who was recently tapped to direct the new Japanese Godzilla film.
This latest trailer gives us a better look at the Titans special effects, and everything they’ve shown us so far looks great. There also doesn’t seem to be any toning down of the show’s prolific violence. The number of humans bitten in half and monsters having their heads blown off by cannons is satisfyingly high.
For those of us in the U.S. concerned about waiting too long to see the films, don’t worry. FUNimation has plans to bring the movies to U.S. theaters for December 2015.
(via IGN)