This new Fantastic Four TV spot is really pushing the idea of the team’s new power and how they’re going to show off during the movie. There’s a Kanye West soundtrack, everybody is all hip and young, and Ben Grimm doesn’t have any pants. He’s just hanging all out there, sans a stony Thing d*ck because I guess that’d be too real. Or it broke off (let’s be honest).
I did enjoy the Ultimate Fantastic Four quite a bit, but I’m still highly uninterested in what this movie is presenting as the Fantastic Four. It’s not even The Thing’s lack of pants that bothers me, it is everything else. Give me the weirdest, sci-fi heavy nonsense that the original comics threw our way. It didn’t work out too poorly for Marvel and Guardians of the Galaxy. All that said, I’m sure this will still bust out as number one at the box office. Much like Ben Grimm probably busted out of whatever space pants he was wearing.
(Via 20th Century Fox)