Documentary filmmaker Bruce Sinofsky died during the early morning hours of Saturday, according to Variety. The Boston-born director suffered from diabetes, and early reports suggest the cause of death was complications from his condition. He would have been 59 in March.
Sinofsky achieved notoriety with his Paradise Lost trilogy:
[A] series of films he made with [Joe Berlinger] about the West Memphis Three, a group of teenagers convicted, despite a lack of evidence, of murdering and sexually mutilating three prepubescent boys. Prosecutors claimed the children were killed as part of a satanic court ritual. Those films helped draw attention to miscarriages of justice associated with their trial and conviction. A number of celebrities including Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder, Henry Rollins and Johnny Depp also rallied to the cause.
Along with Berlinger, Sinofsky was nominated for an Academy Award in 2011 for Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory. Previously, he won Emmy and Directors Guild awards.
(Via Variety)