The First Featurette From The ‘Captain America: Civil War’ Blu-Ray Focuses On Vision And Scarlet Witch

As this summer has been a disappointing one for blockbusters, fans are looking ahead to better things to come, namely movies that they liked coming to Blu-Ray. Captain America: Civil War will be available in the safety of your homes in the next few weeks, Marvel released a clip from the bonus material featurette, “United We Stand, Divided We Fall.” In the recently released video, a focus is put on Vision (Paul Bettany) and Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), two members of the Avengers whose powers are a bit strange when compared to the super serum and suits of their teammates.

In the clip, Bettany expresses the changes that Vision underwent in the film, tapping into the character’s desire humanity despite his thoroughly technical yet supernatural origins.

“What I love about Vision is that he is on his own quest, which is to understand human beings. He realizes that loyalty has got to come through love, real loyalty. So I think he’s very intrigued by what love is.”

The Russo Brothers also weigh in on Vision’s arc, pointing out that the character is trying to play both sides, being a part of the world and yet so alien to it as well. They also hint at the relationship between Vision and Scarlet Witch that began to quietly blossom on the edges of Civil War.

Captain America: Civil War will be released in Digital HD on September 2nd and on 3-D Blu-ray, Blu-ray, DVD, VOD, and Digital SD September 13.