Chris Hemsworth May Or May Not Have His Prosthetic Penis From ‘Vacation’ On Display Next To His ‘Thor’ Hammer

We’re living in the golden age of phallic shenanigans, and no one is happier than Matthew Mungle. “Hollywood’s number one penis-maker,” as the Guardian described him, has made prosthetic penises for projects ranging from Red Rocket to Shameless to Step Brothers, which required Michelangelo-level detailing.

“The testicles I made for Step Brothers were quite specific, because he pulled them out of his trousers and rubbed them on a drum kit,” he told the Guardian. “They had to move like free-floating testicles, rather than rigid miniature space hoppers. So I decided that we’d make actual testes that we put into a sack, which was very thin.”

Mungle also designed Chris Hemsworth’s fake “hammer” for 2015’s Vacation, which he’s been told the MCU star kept in a high-traffic spot in his house. “I made the penis for Chris Hemsworth in Vacation,” he said. “According to someone who worked on that movie, they put the, er, unit in an acrylic box and presented it to Chris at the end. Apparently, he was so proud of it, he had it on his mantle, right next to Thor’s hammer.”

It’s unknown where the penis (which is 10 inches long because Hemsworth made the “normal-size [eight inch] penis look small”) is now, but I like to think it’ll make a return in Thor 4. That’s the real love and thunder.

(Via the Guardian)