The last time Chris Pratt visited BBC Radio 1, it was with Jennifer Lawrence while the pair were promoting Passengers. The film turned out to be a flop, both critically and commercially, but at least we got Andy Dwyer telling Katniss Everdeen, “During our sex scene, I felt your dick rubbing into me.” Pratt dropped by the radio station again this week, sans J-Law, to get people hyped for what sounds like a much better movie than Passengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 (not that it needs the help), and to play “AlphabetiCall.”
The premise is simple: “All he has to do is make a phone call where each sentence starts with the next letter of the alphabet.” But the execution: not so much. On one end of the call is Pratt with an offensively bad accent; on the other, an exotic pet store employee. Star-Lord has an easy time with A (“Are you there?”) and E (“Exactly what I asked myself”), but struggles once he gets to X (“X-rated, though”) and Z (“Zoologically speaking, would you say it was accurate in terms of the stick-bug being able to say, I am Groot?”). Unfortunately, Pratt never got his stick-bug, but at least he has a mouse-rat.
(Via BBC Radio 1)