‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Composer Junkie XL Signs On To Make ‘Deadpool’ Some Sick Beats

So far, throughout the trailers released for Fox’s highly anticipated Deadpool movie, one detail has continually stood out: the music. From Salt-N-Pepa’s classic track “Shoop” to DMX’s “X Gon’ Give It To Ya,” the upcoming Ryan Reynolds movie already has a certain sort of quirky fun flavor.

The overall tone of any film relies heavily on the work of the composer and sometimes a director may end up tapping the wrong person for the job. That doesn’t seem to be the case here as news hit on Saturday that Tom Holkenborg, also known as Junkie XL, will be the musical score mastermind behind the project.

Holkenborg took to Twitter on Saturday night to share the news and his own personal excitement to be involved in the project:

While it has been three years since Holkenborg released a Junkie XL album, he has kept busy scoring some big movies over the past decade including Man of Steel and The Dark Knight Rises — which he co-composed with Hans Zimmer — as well as more recent fare like Black Mass and the thunderous score for Mad Max: Fury RoadWe may not have seen too much action footage from the film, but of the clips we have seen, it feels like the man better known as Junkie XL is an intriguing choice for the job. His signature focus on intense drum-heavy hooks should give a necessary balance to the comedy teased in Fox’s new superhero movie.

Deadpool is set to open nationwide on February 12th, 2016 and will kick off a bunch of new superhero movies for Fox. With Fantastic Four bombing at the box office, there’s high hopes that the Merc with a Mouth will help lead in a successful run of comic-book fare from the studio which is set to include X-Men: Apocalypse, Gambit, Wolverine, and a planned sequel to Fantastic Four all scheduled to hit in the next two years.

(Via Tom Holkenborg)