Looks like Adele Dazeem has a new drinking buddy! Dick Pope, the cinematographer nominated for an Oscar for his work on Mr. Turner, knows all about the entire Internet making jokes about “Dick Poop” and wants everyone to know that he doesn’t give a… NO. Not doing this. Nope.
This morning at about 5:30 AM Pacific Time, the president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Cheryl Boone Isaacs, accidentally mispronounced Dick Pope’s name and thus a social media hurricane commenced. She quickly corrected herself (while giggling), but it was too late. Before her co-presenter Chris Pine could sacrifice his own life to save Dick Pope’s impending online goof-a-thon, anyone with a working set of ears had started a steady flow (sorry) of “Dick Poop” jokes.
And Dick Pope couldn’t possibly care less:
The slip-up instantly went viral, the Twittersphere giggling with scatological glee. Not that Pope had any idea. For one, he was on a private tour at London’s Tate Museum, to which artist J.M.W. Turner, the subject of the movie, bequeathed all his work. He’s also never been on Twitter and said he doesn’t “know what ‘trending’ is.”
Pope added:
“If that’s what people talk to each other about on [Twitter], I would never be on it. Not if that’s the level of intelligent conversation.”
Oh, yeah. Dick Pope really doesn’t know Twitter at all. He’s probably way too busy making Oscar-nominated movies look really, really beautiful, so that’s cool.
Pope says that he’ll be attending the ceremony on February 22 with his friend, fellow cinematography nominee for Unbroken, Roger Deakins. Presenters have not been officially announced, so we don’t know at this time if Pope will be safe from John Travolta.
Source: LA Times