Ever since Marvel and Sony unveiled plans to bring Spider-Man into the MCU, there’s been a lot of rumors swirling as to who would play the renewed web slinger. One rumor in particular, though, has taken hold more than others. That rumor is that Teen Wolf’s Dylan O’Brien is being looked at heavily for the role. However, when asked about it point blank, the actor had this to say:
Professionally, I haven’t heard anything about it,” the actor told BuzzFeed News on Tuesday, while on the set of Teen Wolf. “I’ve only heard from, like, [rumors] online.”
That said, it doesn’t mean kid isn’t interested:
“It’s nothing but flattering. It’s never something I would want to get myself excited about, since I know I haven’t heard about it from a professional standpoint,” he said. “I’ve always wanted to play Peter Parker, obviously. I feel like any actor my age, that’s, like, a big thing. And my name being tossed with Logan Lerman’s is the coolest thing ever, too. I just think that kid is f*cking fantastic.”
So there you have it. At least for now, Dylan O’Brien is not playing Spider-Man or Peter Parker. But that doesn’t mean the door is completely closed it would seem.
Source: BuzzFeed