Watch ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’ Rap Along To Blackalicious

Everybody was really impressed when Daniel Radcliffe rapped Blackalicious’ “Alphabet Aerobics” on The Tonight Show. But you know what’s more impressive than the once and future Harry Potter spitting hot rhymes? When a fox does it.

Well, to be fair, it’s not an actual fox. In the grand tradition of the internet, somebody named Animal Robot has cut up Wes Anderson’s meticulously appointed Fantastic Mr. Fox to make it appear as if though Mr. Fox and friends are rapping along to Blackalicious’ “The Blow Up” from their album Imani, Vol. 1, which is coming out Friday.

While usually these videos feature some sort of classic rap song, and often don’t bother doing the whole thing, this video is a full three minutes, and, given that the video was made before the album “The Blow Up” even came out, it’s also like a de facto music video for the song. You could do worse in terms of music videos.

While the titular Mr. Fox does the vast majority of the “rapping,” and Animal Robot is not afraid to cut frequently to make it look like he’s actually rapping, temporal logic be damned, a couple of other characters get in on the act as well. Plus, it’s fun to see what essentially look like living dolls in their own unintentional rap video.

Your move, Radcliffe.

(Via AV Club)