Yet Another Crazy Fan Theory Proves People Will Never Stop Analyzing ‘Harry Potter’

Another day, another revelation from the wizarding world of Harry Potter. We all know that J.K. Rowling has packed her books full of foreshadowing, twists, turns and backstory that many couldn’t comprehend until years after release. This fan theory, which is less of a theory and more of an astute observation, pretty much spells out the doom for all of the favorite characters in the series.

Divinity Professor Trelawney made plenty of prognostications, some came true and some didn’t, but one intense warning from her has seemingly set up the deaths of Dumbledore, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. In Prisoner of Azkaban Professor Trelawney happens upon all of the good guys eating dinner for the night, but realizes there are 12 of them sitting down.

She warns:

“When 13 people dine together, the first to rise will die.”

Then Dumbledore gets up from the table. Now, the book doesn’t explicitly say it, but Scabbers, Ron’s mouse, who is actually Peter Pettigrew, was likely in Ron’s pocket at the time. That means there were 13 people at the table, and Dumbledore’s death was likely foreshadowed three books in advance.


We know that Dumbledore and Snape conspired to make sure Dumbledore was killed by Snape if/when Malfory failed. Was this a self-fulfilling prophecy, circumstance, or actual foreshadowing? And you would think that since all of these people were more than proficient in divination or at least would know about a life or death curse such as this would have the whole 13 people dining thing at the forefront of their minds since childhood. But then, I guess the didn’t know that Scabbers was Pettigrew… But then define “sitting” if Scabbers is in Ron’s front pocket or something. What then?

It’s another in a long line of theories that may or may not have weight behind them. Hopefully Rowling can clear the air on Twitter soon.

(Via Buzzfeed)