In the past 15 years, we’ve seen Hugh Jackman work with robots in Real Steel and fight vampires in Van Helsing, play an obsessed magician in The Prestige and a Frenchman with the voice of a really sad angel in Les Miserables. But, let’s be honest, we all know him best as Wolverine. However, unlike the regenerative mutant with bones made of adamantium, Jackman ages at a normal pace.
To celebrate, we’re giving you a list of facts that you probably didn’t know about the actor. You know, unless you’re one of those people who eats, sleeps and breathes all things Jackman (Jackmaniacs?). This list will hopefully go past common knowledge, such as the fact that he’s actually Australian – if you didn’t know that, I don’t know that we can be friends.
The Class That Changed Everything
Hugh Jackman actually studied communications with an emphasis in journalism before he seriously considered being an actor. But one drama theory class in his senior year of college changed everything. Think about it, what would Hugh Jackman have been like as an editor for an entertainment website, television host or, maybe, even a PR guy? The world will probably never know. Unless he plays one in a movie or something.
“You’re The One That I Want”
As a kid growing up in Sydney, Jackman dreamed of getting “Physical” with Olivia Newton-John from Grease. He even had a poster of her that he’d kiss from time to time because, you know, kids do stuff like that. Just imagine a little Jackman getting his Travolta on in his bedroom, with his hair slicked back, sleeves cut off and hands on his hips singing about “Summer Loving” and Mr. Kotter and talking babies. That’s all from Grease, right?
He’s Not Above Cheap Shots
Back in 2011, Jackman appeared on RAW to promote Real Steel. In his appearance, he was confronted by Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler and had Zack Ryder fight on his behalf – except for when he sucker-punched Dolph to seal the victory. When Jackman came back three years later, he and Ziggler put away their differences and teamed up on Damien Sandow, who took his identity crisis gimmick to another level and came out dressed as Magneto.
Bond, Who?
Even though he’s played Wolverine for 15 years, Jackman doesn’t do it because he can’t get anything else. It’s quite the opposite. He was actually offered the role of James Bond before it went to Daniel Craig for Casino Royale, but turned it down due to scheduling conflicts.
Do You Even Lift, Bro?
Hugh Jackman is in incredible shape. Forget the backhanded “for his age” crap. For anyone. The guy is a part of the 1,000-pound club, which is usually reserved for athletes and people who have a lot of free time to be in the gym. With a dead lift of 410 pounds, a 355-pound squat and a 235-pound bench press, Jackman achieved the feat this past May.
Jackman may not yet know his full strength. Compared to us mere, lazy mortals, he might as well actually be a super hero. Apparently, while shooting Van Helsing, Jackman broke a stunt person’s hand during a stunt gone wrong. To be fair, if you plan on taking on Dracula, werewolves and Frankenstein, a stunt person isn’t a fair way to gauge your strength.
He’s Actually Way Too Tall To Play Wolverine

Because I’m a nerd and just know facts like this off-hand, I can tell you that Wolverine is supposed to be 5-foot-3. While that’s a lot smaller than people may expect, it supports the idea of him being like a wolverine (or a pissed-off chinchilla), tiny and ferocious. Hugh Jackman is actually 6-foot-2.5, almost an entire foot taller than the character. To maintain the illusion, cast members have had to wear platform shoes to look taller on-screen, and directors have had to use some movie magic from time-to-time.
He Once Considered Making A Cameo On Scrubs
If you’ve watched Scrubs’ early seasons, you probably picked up on Dr. Perry Cox’ hatred for Hugh Jackman. During an interview for Real Steel, Jackman confessed that he’d never watched the show, but had heard about this hate from his son, who was understandably bothered by someone saying they hate his dad that much. In the 2011 interview, Jackman said he was open to making a cameo on the show and asked if it was still running. Unfortunately, it wasn’t… and thus began my now four-year quest to lobby the world for an epic Scrubs movie within a movie starring Hugh Jackman as Doctor Jack Mantis.
He’s A Master Of Random Trivia
Do you know what country invented the sauna? The largest planet in our solar system? What building is on the back of the 20-dollar bill? I can sense that you’re shouting these answers at your screen and that people on line with you at the grocery store are staring, but did you figure that out via Google? Hugh Jackman knows these things and so much more, and he doesn’t need to use Google or Ask Jeeves or even Alta Vista to figure these things out, as demonstrated on The Tonight Show when Jackman played a game of Phone Booth.
He’s A Record-Holder
Jackman has portrayed Wolverine a total of seven times – yes, that includes his short, but classic, cameo in X-Men: First Class. Which means that Jackman currently holds the record for most film appearances as a single superhero. And he’s adding at least one more with the third solo Wolverine film, bringing the total to eight. Now, to be fair, Robert Downey, Jr. may catch up to that if he sticks with Marvel for a couple more after Captain America: Civil War. But let’s let Hugh enjoy it for the time being.