John Carter was an interesting movie, if one that perhaps needed less of a bland title and better trailers. But, infamously, it flopped hard, although at least it beat freakin’ Battleship. So now Disney has relinquished the rights, and Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. is heading back for another shot.
According to HeyUGuys, a site we love crediting just for the name, the rightsholders are optimistic about making a new movie starring everyone’s favorite Confederate who invades foreign lands, disrupts their power structure, and seizes control for hims…you know, we’re starting to see why maybe the movie didn’t do so well. Anyway:
“We will be seeking a new partner to help develop new adventures on film as chronicled in the eleven Mars novels Burroughs wrote,” James Sullos, President of that company said in a statement released a little earlier today. “This adventure never stops.”
It just moves very slowly! Honestly, the real challenge, more than anything else, is that the books are just so absurdly goofy at this point. The pulps are still lively, at least if Dynamite’s release list every week is any indication, but pop culture has definitely changed. Probably their best idea is to find an anime studio and see what they can do with Burroughs’ ideas; hey, if nothing else, it’ll be an interesting take on an old idea.