John Travolta is not a bad person (I think). It’s just starting to become apparent that Oscar snafus are becoming his thing. After last years Idina Menzel fiasco, Travolta is at it again. The picture above proves that unwanted advances are also in the actor’s repertoire. Notice the cold hard gaze that the Scarlet Johansson is exhibiting as a defense mechanism against the Travolta. It’s a fearsome tactic, but the Travolta is unfazed, employing a one handed belly grip in order to bring the younger specimen into his striking range.
Scar Jo is trying so hard to pretend that Travolta isn’t there that it looks like he photoshopped himself into the picture. Seriously. Someone get her some help. Not content with just some unnecessary grabby hands on the red carpet, the Travolta continued to hunt the female species by latching onto the victim of last year’s verbal bungle, Idina Menzel. Check out Idina trying her best not to crawl out of her own flesh and leap off the stage.