Kevin Spacey Is All Over The ‘Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare’ Launch Trailer

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is essentially fated to move copies by the crate. It really doesn’t matter if the game is any good or not. But, hey, a launch trailer is traditional, and Activision is all about traditions.

To answer your first question: No, that’s not the White Stripes. It’s the Raconteurs, with Salute Your Solution. Don’t worry, confusing the original songs and names of Led Zeppelin cover bands is very common.

To answer your second question, yeah, they make a lot of hay out of Kevin Spacey taking the check to be in their game. He actually gets most of the spoken dialogue, while your character gets to say “HOO-RAH!” and then punch some dude into a speeding bus. No, really, they make that promise in-between threatening more vehicle sections:

Overall, the game does look fun, even if they refuse to give Kevin Spacey a line that isn’t pure cheese. But we’ll find out just how fun it is November 4th.