Watch Out Kanye, Lindsay Lohan Announced Her Intent To Run For President In 2020

Lindsay Lohan At 'Weisses Fest 2014'
Getty Image

A few years ago, Lindsay Lohan buggered off from the United States in favor of jolly old England, which she felt was a calming influence. To be certain, Lohan hasn’t encountered legal trouble across the pond, although she’s still messy enough to tear off her clothing and run screaming around weddings. She’s also still terrible at Photoshop and social media, but that doesn’t mean she won’t stop trying. During the wee hours of Saturday morning, Lohan took to Instagram with a very special announcement. She aspires to run for U.S. president in 2020.

Her caption is exceedingly optimistic, and you gotta feel for the girl. She realizes her acting career is largely finished, so she’s testing the waters for what other actors have done. The voting public embraced both Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and now Lohan details her first intended task as president. She’d “take care of all of the children suffering in the world. #queenELIZABETH showed me how by having me in her country.” She also posted this photo of herself with Kanye West, who she may see as a fierce competitor in the political realm.

To be fair, Lohan has done a little bit of work for children. Way back in 2010, she appeared in a documentary in India where she pointed out to passersby that sex trafficking existed: “Didn’t you hear that children were abused, and some girls, maybe if they were attractive, were raped and prostituted?” Bless her heart.

After her big announcement, Lohan compared herself to Mahatma Gandhi. Unfortunately (and as her commenters pointed out), she spelled it “#ghandi.”