Loki Gets Everything He Wants In This Deleted Scene From ‘Thor: The Dark World’

The Phase Two box set is out tomorrow (just in time to be under every geek’s Christmas tree), so Marvel is releasing some inside information to get everyone sufficiently primed. Following the Guardians of the Galaxy screen test that came out earlier today, we now get a look at a deleted scene from Thor: The Dark World.

While it is eventually revealed to be a very elaborate fantasy sequence, viewers get a glimpse of a happier Loki achieving everything he ever wants: the throne of Asgard and being worthy enough to wield Mjolnir. One assumes that the respect of his brother would have followed had not Rene Russo’s Frigga interrupted his reverie. Loki gets some variation of his wish by the end of Thor: The Dark World, but it required a bit more deception on the part of the trickster. The villain will never get to rule Asgard for long while the blondest Avenger still breathes.

We’ll have to wait and see what trouble Tom Hiddleston’s god of mischief causes in the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok. Tumblr fangirls would like you to believe that he’s just misunderstood, but it’s probably time to admit that he’s bad to the bone.

(Via Comics Alliance)