Mark Wahlberg Saves The World (Again) With A Little Help From Ronda Rousey In The ‘Mile 22’ Trailer

STX Entertainment has released the new trailer for Mile 22, starring Mark Wahlberg in a reunion with Deepwater Horizon and Lone Survivor director Peter Berg, and this film certainly deviates from the project’s plan a few years ago. That was the point in time where Hollywood was starting to question Ronda Rousey’s ability to carry a feature film, and as a result, her role was downsized considerably from what would have been a star vehicle for her.

As the trailer shows, Mile 22 now revolves around Wahlberg leading a group of CIA ghost operatives, and Rousey is a part of the team. Unfortunately, it’s hard to see how much of a role she plays — she has one line in the trailer, and most of her visible moments are spent shoving magazines into semi-automatic weapons. Meanwhile, Wahlberg launches into full-on action mode. He saves the world again (although, to be fair, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson does so as often these days), and the trailer also prominently features John Malkovich, Lauren Cohan (Fear The Walking Dead), and Iko Uwais (The Raid).

In the film, Wahlberg’s team will be responsible of safely transporting an asset across 22 titular and precarious miles, which are guaranteed to present a number of dangerous confrontations. Perhaps Rousey will get to show off some hand-to-hand combat, but only time will tell. Otherwise, Mile 22 looks like exactly the type of late-summer popcorn fare that one would expect from Berg and Wahlberg.

It’s also impossible not to recall that, no matter how many times Walhberg saves the world onscreen, he also once boasted that he could have pulled some real-life action moves. And yes, audiences endured that claim, and they will still open their wallets to see Walhberg do almost anything onscreen. In that spirit, Mile 22 will arrive in theaters on August 3.