Michael Moore’s ‘Surprise’ Trump Film Will Premiere For Free In New York City Tonight

Between predicting an election victory for Donald Trump and speculating about why the Republican nominee’s campaign might be fake, Michael Moore hasn’t had the best track record during the 2016 election. Whether or not his new “surprise” film Michael Moore in TrumpLand will change that remains to be seen, but if you live in New York and have some time to kill on Tuesday night, then you can find out first hand. That’s because Moore surprised his Twitter followers with a surprise screening of the flick at the IFC Center.

“Hey NYC,” the Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11 director tweeted late Monday night. “Who wants a peek @ what I’ve been up 2? Tues, 9:30pm, IFC Center. TIx free, 1st come, b.o. opens 8:30pm.”

According to IndieWire, the IFC Center confirmed the title of Moore’s project was Michael Moore in TrumpLand and that the director would be attendance at Tuesday’s surprise screening. Tickets, available here, will go on sale at 8:30 p.m. ET at the IFC box office for the 9:30 p.m. ET showing. Tickets may also be purchased for the film’s regular run, which begins Wednesday, October 19. Based on a one-man show Moore performed regularly in Ohio that, per the film’s synopsis, “Ohio Republicans tried to shut down,” TrumpLand “dives right into hostile territory… in the weeks before the 2016 election.”

That Moore, whose Where To Invade Next debuted earlier this year, would take on such a project at this very moment isn’t actually that surprising. Especially since the filmmaker has been giving hints about its existence for months, as evidenced by a late September Facebook post uncovered by Variety. In it, Moore wrote “I think I know why a lot of people in Ohio and Michigan, some of them my neighbors, are voting for Donald Trump.” Simply put, he surmised these former members of the middle class had “a chance to hit back, to pick up a virtual baseball bat and smash that old system by voting for the outsider known as Trump.”

(Via IndieWire and Variety)

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