Neil DeGrasse Tyson Took To Twitter To Praise ‘The Martian,’ And Not Everyone Is Happy

Getty/20th Century Fox

Warning: Major spoilers for The Martian included below.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist and avid internet user, has once again taken to Twitter to offer his opinion on a Hollywood blockbuster that relies heavy on science for its story. Like he did with Gravity in 2013, and last year with Interstellar, he posted a series of tweets discussing the newly released sci-fi film.

While in the previous instances he was largely critical of the films’ scientific oversights and ludicrous plot points, he enthusiastically praised The Martian for looking at everything through the “scope of science,” instead of human emotion. While his scientific approval isn’t much of a surprise, given that he was a key proponent in promoting the film, not everyone’s happy about his ringing endorsement. His eleven tweets were all posted relatively close to one another during the early evening of the film’s opening day, and much of the specifics he referenced ended up giving away key plot points, to the point that they even spoiled the film’s ending.

His most revealing tweets were followed by hundreds of frustrated responses from understandably upset Twitter users, especially when you consider that most theaters would’ve been seating for the matinee around the time this happened, as this user reminded him.

No official word yet from the studio, or the film’s official Twitter account, which was tagged in all of the original tweets, or from Tyson himself. The Martian opened yesterday, where it still managed to earn $18 million, and is projected to lead the box office over the weekend.