Guillermo Del Toro Says ‘Pacific Rim 2’ Is Not Canceled

guillermo del toro
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One bad bit of news to come out of the rumored King Kong / Godzilla crossover project was the claim that Pacific Rim 2has been halted indefinitely and will be pushed back (if it gets made at all).” It seemed odd considering Pacific Rim made more than $400 million and even broke records in China. Now Guillermo del Toro is saying the movie is still happening, but may be pushed later than its original April 7, 2017 release date.

He told Entertainment Weekly, “We are still turning in a screenplay and a budget in three weeks. As far as I’m concerned, it’s not gone. We’re still on it.” He adds that he may now shoot another movie before starting on Pacific Rim 2.

He was also his usual amusingly candid, enthusiastic self when talking about the disappointment of so many of his projects running into roadblocks:

“I can tell you this, if I was a billionaire, I would definitely do Hellboy 3, Pacific Rim 2, and At the Mountains of Madness.” He laughs. “And I would quickly become a millionaire.”

Well, if he’s looking to save a little money on the scripting side of things, we’ll once again extend our offer for him to use any of our suggested Jaeger names he’d like…

Improved Jaeger Names AKA 4th String Jaegers suggested by UPROXX for Pacific Rim 2

Improved Jaeger Names AKA 4th String Jaegers suggested by UPROXX for Pacific Rim 2

Improved Jaeger Names AKA 4th String Jaegers suggested by UPROXX for Pacific Rim 2

Improved Jaeger Names AKA 4th String Jaegers suggested by UPROXX for Pacific Rim 2

(Via Entertainment Weekly)