Over the last two decades there have been few better dramas with dark humor intertwined in their stories than those created by P.T. Anderson. Boogie Nights – surprisingly hilarious. Magnolia? Brilliant. Sure, There Will Be Blood may not have ever been funny on purpose, although the line “I drink your milkshake” has been co-opted into an argument-ending mic drop of sorts, and The Master didn’t really bring the laughs, but Inherent Vice is hilarious. Especially any scene featuring Martin Short.
While Anderson was doing his thing in Hollywood, Adam McKay was improving his way out of Chicago, writing and directing Anchorman, founding Funny or Die, then somehow ending up as the man at the helm of possibly the most depressing movie ever made — The Big Short. It’s like Anderson and McKay’s careers met in the middle and their genius was finally able to fully intertwine in this interview on The Director’s Cut.
The interview is 30-plus minutes of storytelling geekery, and it’s wonderful. P.T. probes old friend McKay about the real people behind the characters in The Big Short, told old stories of near-collaborations (Anderson almost produced Anchorman!), and discussed the greatness that is McKay’s improv ability. This is also an appropriate time to remind everyone that McKay created the greatest Second City revue ever.
Listen below for a fantastic interview, and hope that these two get together on a project soon.
(Via The Film Stage)