Everyone is losing their minds over The Force Awakens, but it’s good to be reminded once in a while that The Empire Strikes Back is still the best Star Wars movie of them all (come at me, A New Hope fans). From the opening scenes on Hoth to the climactic showdown at Cloud City, Empire Strikes Back is as close to perfect as a film can be and has a timeless quality to it that will make it a winner for generations to come.
Youtube editor Tom F decided to remind fans of that with this trailer for the film cut in the style of The Force Awakens and other modern blockbusters. With the quick cuts and voiceover, as well as the epic score from The Force Awakens, Empire looks like it could be hitting movie screens next summer. Luckily, it manages to nail an updated tone that eluded George Lucas himself with the various rereleases by focusing on the great bones that the film has. Nothing new and flashy was added; the goods were already there, just ready to be repackaged for a new generation of potential fans.