It was recently announced that Taika Waititi is returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe to write and direct Thor: Love and Thunder, starring Chris Hemsworth as Love and Natalie Portman as Thunder (I assume this is accurate). But before then, the New Zealand filmmaker will release Jojo Rabbit, where he plays a boy’s imaginary friend, Adolf Hitler, and he’s also working on a “secret” project.
Variety reports that Waititi, last heard in Avengers: Endgame and seen in FX’s What We Do in the Shadows, is “attached to write and direct an untitled project as his next film with Fox Searchlight landing rights to distribute. Plot details are currently unknown.” What is known is that the project has been “greenlit for a fall shoot,” and that it will come out before 2021’s Love and Thunder. I hope it’s the next Mission: Impossible movie. Korg could be Ethan Hunt’s new partner.
As for Jojo Rabbit, Waititi said that his Hitler “doesn’t have to share anything with actual Hitler, because 10 year-olds never meet Hitler. He’s basically a 10 year-old who happens to have a tiny little mustache. I didn’t have to do any research, and I didn’t do any research. I didn’t base him on anything I’d seen about Hitler before. I just made him a version of myself that happened to have a bad haircut and a sh*tty little mustache. And a mediocre German accent.”
Jojo Rabbit opens on October 18.
(Via Variety)