In October, 20th Century Fox will release Ridley Scott’s film adaptation of The Martian. The movie — based on Andy Weir’s bestselling novel — stars Matt Damon as astronaut Mark Watney. From what we’ve seen so far, this may just be the movie to beat this fall.
Earlier this summer, Fox released a series of charming promotional videos introducing us to the crew of the Ares 3. From there, a full-length trailer soon hit the web featuring Watney’s life goal to “science the sh*t” out of the mission at hand. That mission is one of survival as the astronaut finds himself stranded on Mars after being presumed dead due to a massive storm that separated him from the rest of his crew.
The new TV spot above features a moment where Damon exclaims, “Surprise!” in a video message to NASA, ultimately informing them and the audience — we kinda already knew this, though — that he was indeed still alive. A crazy mission is then put in place to bring Watney home from the red planet. SCIENCE!
The cast of The Martian features Jessica Chastain, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Daniels, Kate Mara, Michael Pena, and Childish Gambino… I mean Donald Glover. The Ridley Scott-directed sci-fi outing will touch down in theaters on Oct. 2.