The problem with today’s internet marketing era of teasers, teaser trailers and teaser teasers that tease teasers is that every once in a while a movie comes along that appears to make no f*cking sense. For all of the teasers and TV spots we’ve seen for Mad Max: Fury Road, it was impossible for the average YouTube commenter to figure out what was going on in the fourth installment of George Miller’s post-apocalyptic franchise, but we finally have not only the official trailer, but the “official main trailer” for Mad Max: Fury Road to fill us in on the insane plot details.
Honestly, I still have no clue what’s going on here, but it looks amazing. There’s a terrifying bad guy who apparently brands and keeps young girls as his “things,” and it’s up to Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron to be the dirty beautiful people who help them find freedom. Oh, and at some point, this movie turns into a My Chemical Romance concept album music video. And who can turn down a double neck guitar flamethrower?