Nuns Tina Fey And Amy Poehler Help Out The Women Of ‘Broad City’ In A New ‘Sisters’ Promo

The press first lays eyes on the new Amy Poehler/Tina Fey buddy comedy Sisters later this evening, but as far as we can tell at present, the film will involve neither Broad City‘s Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer, nor nuns. And yet that didn’t stop the brand-synergy masterminds over at Comedy Central from structuring this Sisters promotional video embedded above around those two concepts.

See if you can keep up: The film is called Sisters and stars Fey and Poehler as a pair of literal, biological sisters. Still with us? Because this is where things get crazy. This humorous promotional video recasts Fey and Poehler as a pair of nuns, a calling who are referred to as, yes, sisters. And what’s even more, they help out a pair of ne’er-do-wells in Glazer and Jacobson who have ties so thick and well-founded, they practically think of themselves as sisters. Sisters galore! It’s a lot to take in at once, so if you’re feeling a little at sea, think back to the pun that lends the Whoopi Goldberg standby Sister Act its title.

In all sincerity, it’s fun when stars exercise a little creativity and deliver actual, bona fide laughs while hawking their latest project. There’s a neat sense of spontaneity with the lines, almost giving one the impression that Poehler and Fey improvised some of these zingers. (Fey’s rejoinder of “I’m gonna tell time all night long… at your mom’s house” certainly sounds like it came off the cuff.) Ultimately, little one-off videos like this reinforce two powerful myths about funny famous people: That they are uproariously funny without even trying, and that they spend their spare time hanging out with other funny famous people and being funny together. What I’m trying to say is that I am completely amenable to a life of friendship with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. Watch the video above and see for yourself. Who wouldn’t be?