Is it possible that Tom Cruise, who once jumped up and down on a couch in happiness, will never be over Katie Holmes? The two have been divorced for years, but new rumors suggest that Cruise is dating a woman who looks exactly like Holmes…and Cruise might be marrying her soon.
The Daily Mail reports that the 53-year-old movie star is in a relationship with 22-year-old Emily Thomas. Thomas, who’s been Cruise’s assistant for the past year, is, according to some, a dead ringer for Katie Holmes, suggesting that Cruise either has a type or he’s not yet completely over his most recent ex-wife.
Here’s a picture of the two women side-by-side. Do you see it?
I guess they look somewhat alike if you squint your eyes and turn your head sideways a little, but you wouldn’t mistake one for the other on the street. They’re both brunettes, but aside from that there’s not much similarity, maybe because Thomas looks terrified in every picture. If she and Cruise really are together, though—the pair haven’t shown any affection for each other in public—she’s going to have to learn how to pose really quick.
(Via The Daily Mail)