There are action movies, and then there’s Top Gun. Part fun ’80s action flick and part surprisingly serious meditation on loss and responsibility, Top Gun managed to thrill with the crazy jet acrobatics, while also ensuring that you will never forget the lyrics to “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins and “Take My Breath Away” by Berlin.
Thirty years since its release, people still quote Top Gun regularly (and admire the all-time best beach volleyball scene). While cementing Tom Cruise as a movie star for the ages, his Pete “Maverick” Mitchell journeys from angry and arrogant Navy fighter pilot all the way through the Top Gun training program. As we celebrate its anniversary (and Top Gun Day), let’s take a look at what it takes to be a true Maverick.
“I feel the need…” — Maverick
“…the need for speed!” — Maverick and Goose
How many times have you and your buddies quoted this one? Every Maverick needs his Goose. The kind of friend that finishes your sentences and is the other half of your sweet high fives. While Mavericks can often take on loner tendencies, a best bro can help you reach the next level of badass.
“Take me to bed or lose me forever.” — Carole
Part of being a Maverick is asking for what you want. You don’t beat around the bush because you’ll never get anything if you don’t take risks. Plus, having a bond like Goose and Carole is something to aspire to. Those two are just into each other.
[Celebratory Howling] — Maverick and Company
By doing things your way, your victory feels all the more personal and earned. Your celebratory howls may be incoherent, but the feeling behind them is eloquent.
“You can be my wingman any time.” — Iceman
“Bullsh*t! You can be mine.” — Maverick
A little healthy competition never hurt anybody. Iceman and Maverick spent the entirety of Top Gun butting heads, as Maverick took a devil-may-care approach to procedure while Iceman was by the book. Having someone in your corner to call you on your sh*t and attempt to keep you in line is invaluable. A yes-man is no wingman.
“Jesus Christ, and you think I’m reckless? When I fly, I’ll have you know that my crew and my plane come first.” — Maverick
Even if you live fast, that doesn’t mean that you don’t care about anything. You may be selective about what gets your energy and attention, but a real Maverick is fiercely passionate about the things that really matter. Underneath that aura of cool is a heart of gold. You’re not necessarily a team player, but you still wouldn’t leave a man behind.
“I think I’ll go embarrass myself with Goose.”— Maverick
While Maverick knows he’s a badass, he also isn’t afraid of looking a little silly from time to time. In Top Gun, Goose and Maverick know how to let loose a little when they’re out of the sky. Whether it’s in a quiet bar or during a public serenade, you can’t be 100 percent serious 100 percent of the time. That’s just no fun.
“It’s classified. I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.” — Maverick
A true Maverick plays things close to his chest. It’s not that you don’t trust people, it’s that you know that you can handle it better on your own. As long as you play it off with some not-so-subtle flirting, you’ll probably get away with it.
“I will fire when I am goddamn good and ready! You got that?” — Maverick
Maverick may be reckless, but he isn’t stupid. He doesn’t always express himself well, but the man gets results. Just don’t tell him how to do his damn job. If you want to reach peak Mav status, try this one out the next time someone gives you a hard time at work. (Correction: Do not do this. You are not 1986 Tom Cruise and life, unfortunately, isn’t a movie.)
“You don’t have time to think up there. If you think, you’re dead.” — Maverick
A lot of what drives Maverick is instinct. Flying jets requires lightning-quick reflexes and the ability to make snap decisions without catastrophic results. Plus, you’ve just gotta go with your gut. Things may not always turn out in your favor, but at least all of your reactions and choices will be honest ones.
“Son, your ego is writing checks your body can’t cash!” — Stinger
The thing about being a Maverick is the fact that you have to back up your claims with actual action. If your take no prisoners attitude doesn’t have results with it, you’re just a jerk with a chip on your shoulder. Maverick is a man of action, even if it is sometimes reckless action. Better to flame out than fade away, right?
The Top Gun limited edition 30th Anniversary Blu-ray Steelbook and 30th Anniversary Digital HD edition (featuring new interviews with Tom Cruise and Jerry Bruckheimer) are available now.