Zack Snyder Wants To Travel Through History, ‘300’-Style

In a clear indication that he has not seen the Robot Chicken sketch in which the events of the American Revolution are retold in the style of 300, director Zack Snyder has voiced his interest in a film retelling the events of the American Revolution in the style of 300. In an interview with Bloomberg Business a couple of weeks ago, Snyder gazed over at a copy of the classic painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware and said, “We were talking about it… The first thing we asked was, well, how are we going to make it look? I pointed at this painting. It looks like 300. It’s not that hard.” Like a despot glancing at a map and deciding ‘I’d like to own that country,’ Snyder has set a course to expand his empire throughout history, and he’s not stopping with the cradle of American civilization.

Speaking with Collider, Snyder outlined vague plans to march throughout the ages, putting his 300-stamp on conflicts across centuries. When asked if he had plans for another 300 sequel, Snyder made the following threat:

There may be. There may be. We’ve been talking a lot about sort of different incarnations of 300. We’ve been talking about is there a way, possibly, we move out of Ancient Greece and use it as a framing device for other conflicts that happened throughout history.

I think I mentioned that we talked about the Revolutionary War version, and we talked about the Alamo, and we’ve talked about there’s a battle in China, a “Lost Legion” kind of concept, any of those kinds of things are on the table.

It’s unclear at present whether Snyder intends on using 300 as a unifying brand through which he could explore other settings, or if that talk of finding ‘a way’ to move out of Ancient Greece would involve literal time travel in the scripts. For our sake, let us pray that it is that second one, because ‘time-traveling Roman centurions fall into wormhole and get embroiled in the 100 Years War’ is exactly the pitch it would take to get me excited about the prospect of another 300 movie.