Well, Here’s Your First Look At Zoe Kravitz As Catwoman Before The Trailer For ‘The Batman’ Drops

It’s a big weekend for DCEU heads, with Fandome set to unveil a treasure trove of comic book movie goodies. One of them is the long-awaited trailer for The Batman, the latest, Robert Pattinson-led gritty reboot, which had to pause production mid-stream thanks to a little once-in-a-century public health crisis. But of course, those behind it have been dropping little shards ahead of the big drop, including posters and fuzzy images of figures with pointy bat ears. And now we have our first look the latest Catwoman, Zoe Kravitz.

Mind you, it’s a mere still, and it doesn’t feature the actress in full Catwoman regalia. It’s her as Selina Kyle, her alter ego, looking like a normal person, her eyes vaguely watery. We’re still not sure which tack The Batman will take with the character. Will she be a cucumber cool criminal who turns goodie à la Anne Hathaway in The Dark Knight Rises? Will she have some massive freak-out after being murdered and brought back to life by cats à la Michelle Pfeiffer in Batman Returns? Something else?

The image was dropped by director Matt Reeves himself, who boarded the Batman train after grimming up the Planet of the Apes series. He also helped spread the word for a few other Batman tidbits.

The trailer for The Batman is set to drop mid-afternoon Saturday.