Lana Del Rey Gets The Taiwanese Animation Treatment

They say that you haven’t really “made it” these days until the Taiwanese animators at Next Media Animation make you the subject of their web videos. If that is indeed the case, congrats to Lana Del Rey — you’ve made it, darlin’!

In the event you’ve been living under a rock, you know that yesterday was the day LDR’s debut album, Born to Die, was released, setting off a tidal wave of criticism that skewed toward venomous. NMA whipped up this little ditty to commemorate the occasion.

Meanwhile, LDR herself finally spoke up about her almost universally panned SNL performance from a couple of weeks ago, telling Rolling Stone that she “actually felt good about it. I thought I looked beautiful and sang fine.” Me thinks Lana Del Rey really is living in the bubble she’s shown in in the video below, which might actually be good for her mental health.


(GIF via Red Suspenders)