Alison Brie & The Girls Sing 'Rich Girl,' Instantly Become Your New Favorite Cover Band

Perpetual UPROXX muse Alison Brie played Meltdown Comics in LA on Cinco de Mayo with her band The Girls and two separate YouTubers were in attendance to do the internet a huge solid. The Girls performed multiple notable covers, but for my money their take on Hall & Oates’ “Rich Girl” was the highlight. I prefer Oohexclamationpoints’ angle from a performance standpoint so it’s embedded. I prefer swickey’s angle from an Alison Brie’s legs standpoint, so it’s used for the screengrab after the jump.

Several of the other notable covers — including Robyn’s “Call Your Girlfriend” and Childish Gambino’s “These Girls” — follow from there so I’d recommend blocking out a portion of your afternoon. I’d also like to take a moment to congratulate harmonica guy and guitar guy for for scoring their respective gigs and placements on stage. Well done, gentlemen. Well done.

YouTube via @Buzzfeed