“If you liked two thousand and seventeen then you’ll love two thousand and eighteen,” read the conclusion of Frank Ocean’s gorgeous visual essay late last year. A tantalizing promise, sure, but with little to no legitimate backing or further confirmation from Ocean himself. Then came the acknowledgement of a fake quote making the rounds claiming that he had an unreleased fifth album in the vault, calling it “QUOTES FROM AN INTERVIEW I️ HAVEN’T GIVEN HAHA.”
Well, 2018 is finally here, and with it came another cryptic post to Ocean’s Tumblr, this one featuring a lone photo of someone wearing a baseball hat with the embroidered text “If you liked 2017, you’ll love 2018.” All that was attached to the image were the words “new 18-99.” No indication as to what exactly that means, but maybe it has something to do with that mysterious Worldnet hoodie he released out of the blue for Black Friday? Check out the mysterious Tumblr post below, and draw your own conclusions.
Here’s hoping that 2018 brings not only new music from Ocean, but another round of live performances that will hopefully bring the same intensity as his festival appearances last year, which we included in our list of the best concerts of 2017.