Jeff Bridges Explains The Corporate Origins Of His Sleep Album

In case you’ve been asleep for the past week, a one-minute bit featuring Jeff Bridges using a singing bowl and his voice to lull a couple to sleep appeared during Sunday’s Super Bowl telecast. The ad simultaneously pitched Bridges’ new album Sleeping Tapes and the website design firm Squarespace with a link to the album’s home page, Wait, so is this new music from Bridges, a company advertisement, or both?

According to Bridges himself, it’s both. The Dude abided on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night when the talk show host asked the actor about his Super Bowl spot:

“It was from this great website design company called Squarespace. They came up with a bunch of these weird ideas…and they said, ‘So Jeff, run with this thing if you want.’ And I said, ‘I will!'”

Sorry fellow practitioners of Dudeism, but Sleeping Tapes began as an advertising gimmick and not as an original, divine spark in our fearless leader. Even so, Bridges took Squarespace up on their offer and created something wholly unique and, erm, sleep-inducing. Besides, the end result is the Dude providing Kimmel with examples of expert humming live on the air.

(Via Jimmy Kimmel Live)