Willie Nelson has been a longtime marijuana advocate/enthusiast and soon, if all goes according to plan, he’s going to be in the business of selling his own strain called “Willie’s Reserve”.
According to an interview between The Daily Beast and Willie’s Reserve spokesperson Michael Bowman, Nelson and his family will be making it available to the public in various store locations they will open — where weed has been legalized, of course. Bowman touched on the 81 year old singer-songwriter’s ultimate goal with “Willie’s Reserve”:
Willie has spent a lifetime in support of cannabis, both the industrial hemp side and the marijuana side. He wants it to be something that’s reflective of his passion. Ultimately, it’s his. But it was developed by his family, and their focus on environmental and social issues, and in particular this crazy war on drugs, and trying to be a bright light amongst this trail as we’re trying to extract ourselves from the goo of prohibition.
Really he wants it, at the end of the day, to envelop what his personal morals and convictions are. So from the store itself to how they’ll work with suppliers and how things are operated, it’s going to be very reflective of Willie’s life.
There’s no official word yet on which states they will pursue storefronts at first, but it’s a pretty safe bet that Colorado is high (pun intended) on that list. Expect to find “Willie’s Reserve” available to the public as early as 2016.
(Source: The Daily Beast)