Lana Del Rey Uses A Grenade Launcher On A Freaking Helicopter In The ‘High By The Beach’ Video

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When we first heard “High By the Beach” earlier this week, we found it to be a return to form for Lana Del Rey — back to when she was dabbling in hip-hop influences and calling herself the Gangster Nancy Sinatra in her Born to Die-era. Well, now the crooner has matched the late Song of the Summer entry with a pretty killer video, and we mean that pretty literally.

The latest clip from Honeymoon has Lana in a beautiful, yet surprisingly empty beach home off the coast while a black helicopter surrounds the premises. No, they aren’t the secret police, but rather paparazzos probably trying to get a snap of the star. While Lana saunters around the house in a seafoam caftan, she is unrelentingly hounded by this chopper.

Well, having had enough, she takes things to an entirely different level and grabs an assault rifle with grenade launcher attached to blow that heli right out of the sky. And yes, Lana may have used a noob tube, but you can’t argue with results. The results in this case being an enormous explosion followed by a rain of embers and tabloid papers.

Hey, no one ever claimed Lana was subtle, but she’s still right on target.

(Via Vevo)