Earlier this week, the Alison Brie Traveling Circus — “come see The World’s Sexiest Grown-Up Kewpie Doll, and probably some bears peddling unicycles, too, unless that’s the ballet” — invaded Santa Monica, California, where the Community star and her Girls bandmates covered the White Stripes’ “We’re Going to Be Friends.” Even if you don’t like the White Stripes (WRONG), you like “We’re Going to Be Friends”; it’s the Alison Brie of songs.
What makes the performance extra special, and especially frightening, is the presence of Tom Felton, a.k.a. Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter film series, on guitar. Mr. Felton seems like a perfectly nice person, but for better or worse (worse), he’ll forever be known as Albino Joffrey. With good reason. Alison’s used to creeps, though.