Amy Winehouse Will Be Your Next Unfortunate Dead Musician Hologram

Remember Amy Winehouse? Of course you do. When she wasn’t singing, she was doing so many drugs that she transcended from being high to, well, not being alive anymore. So, what would be a great way to make money off of a dead musician? Well, she is reportedly the next performing hologram that will tour the world. According to Independent:

But apparently billionaire Alki David is planning to resurrect Amy in 3D, using the exact same technology employed to bring late rapper Tupac Shakur onstage at Coachella in California two years ago.

“The plan is that Amy will finally tour the world after failing to do so when she was alive,” a source told British newspaper The Sun.

“With an orchestra and her hologram, she can take to the stage and fans can see her perform her legendary hits. The idea is in its early stages but it’s hoped that Amy’s dad Mitch will maybe join her and do the introductions.”

A billionaire putting a dead musician on stage is probably just to honor her memory by inflating ticket prices and charging $25 dollars for drinks. If this comes around my way, I’ll probably pass unless the hologram is totally wasted, because that would be fun to see.

(Independent, The Sun)